As your business grows, make sure expenses don’t. Keep them low with unlimited transactions and an earnings credit.
Key Features
High Transaction Volumes1
Earnings Credit
Online & Mobile Banking
- Ideal for businesses with high transaction volumes1
- $18 monthly service charge
- Consolidate multiple accounts into a single banking relationship
- Balances can be aggregated for the month
- Get a detailed analysis statement regarding account activity
- Unlimited monthly transactions at low per-item fees
- Receive an earnings credit to offset or minimize monthly fees incurred
- Free online and mobile banking services, including:2
- Free eStatements
- Includes Visa® business debit card
- Variety of business services available
- $50 minimum deposit to open
1This account is designed for business customers with high activity or who require special services. Service charges are based on the type and number of transactions processed during the monthly statement period. The activity charges for a given monthly charge cycle may be offset by an earnings credit. Ask us about the earnings credit calculation. For terms and conditions, account information, and a list of fees and charges that may apply, please refer to our Customer Agreement & Schedule of Charges, Books I & II.
2Ask your banker for information on the terms and conditions of these services.
This information is effective 4/1/2021 and subject to change anytime without notice.